
【禁闻】国信办指令 强删〝九号文件〞

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5月8号,重庆市城乡建设委员会组召开学习〝九号文件〞会议。媒体报导了文件中的内容,包括七个方面的所谓〝突出问题 〞。



这份措辞强硬的《通报》,与不久前针对高校教师教学要求〝七不讲〞的内容相呼应,也就是,不要对学生谈及〝普世价值、新闻、公民社会、公民权利、党(中共)的历史 错误、权贵资产阶级、司法独立〞等内容。

《法国国际广播电台》在报导中分析,这次〝国信办〞要求网站 删除〝九号文件〞的相关讨论,是中共〝内外有别,内紧外松〞的策略。

时事评论员邢天行:〝它(中共)一方面嘴上高喊要自由,要和谐 社会,搞一些名堂,但是另一方面,意识形态领域的打压,随之在暗中不断的加紧,整个的态势它是在不断的收紧的过程。〞


报导还强调,这一通报的下达,代表未来 至少一年,中国 大陆 整个社会舆论和意识形态的管制,将有一个〝严管期〞。






蔡咏梅表示,到底当前中国大陆的意识形态是什么?遇到哪些〝突出问题〞?当局没有讲,而普世价值、新闻自由、公民社会等意识形态,都在讲,现在却完全不能讲了。蔡咏梅认为,这是偷偷摸摸的行为。她觉得,中共现在这个政权,有点风雨 飘摇的味道。

采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉


State Bureau for Letters and Calls Ordered to Urgently Delete “File No. 9”

Recently, the General Office of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee issued “Notification on Current Ideological Field Situation”, which is referred to as “General Office” 2013 “File No. 9″. However, on May 15, an order from “National Internet Information Office” ordered all the websites to delete related articles of the “General Office (2013) File No. 9″. Now, all the related discussions and news connections have been deleted.

On May 8, the CCP Chongqing Urban and Rural Construction Committee organized a meeting to study “File No. 9″. Media reported the outline of the file, which included exposing the so called seven “outstanding issues“, in various reports of the meeting.

Such as: Require each level of the party organizations to recognize sufficiently the importance of strengthening ideological field work, recognize adequately the risk of promoting western views and theories. Second, require each level of the party to put ideological work into the important tasks agenda and to analyze new situations and trends in the ideological field, as well as reacting, protecting and dealing with all so-called contradictions efficiently.

“File No. 9″ emphasized strengthening internet management, strengthening guidance of public opinion and cleaning the internet environment, with a view to not giving “criminals” any change.

This strongly worded “notification” echoed the content of the “7 non-speaking” instructions released a short while before, and addressed to university teachers and professors. The “7 non-speaking” instructions include not telling students about ”universal values“, freedom of the press, civil society, civil rights, party’s (CCP) historical mistakes, the power of the bourgeoisie, the independence of the judiciary”.

“Radio France Internationale” analyzed in its report that the State Bureau for Letters and Calls asking websites to delete the related discussions of “File No. 9” is the CCP’s political strategy which is to “differentiate the inside and outside, to tighten the inside and loosen the outside”.

Xing Tianxing, a political commentator: ”On the one hand, (CCP) shouts for freedom, harmonious society, and other slogans, but on the other hand, it suppresses the ideological field by secretly tightening control. It is a constant tightening process.“

Recently, the struggle between CCP officials and citizens is Invariably in the ideological field. The suppression of public intellectuals, lawyers, academics other private liberal forces is tougher than before. In the field of public opinion, it was mainly focused on deleting discussion, but now it has been upgraded to closing the intellectuals’ blogs and micro-blogs which have a large number of followers and supporters.

The report also emphasized that the distribution of this notification means that there will be a strict one year control period in mainland China in the fields of ideology and public opinion.

Xing Tianxing: “In order to maintain its stability, the CCP must strengthen this kind of repression, which means it wants to control people’s minds, wash people’s brains. Only in this way can it guarantee it’s continued existence. To maintain this existence, it must strengthen it’s control.“

In addition, for the discussions about “File No. 9” and the universities’ “7 No-speaking ”rules, the CCP hasn’t declaimed until now. However the exposure of “File No. 9” and “7 No-speaking” rules is not allowed. The news page website links of a Chongqing newspaper, Henan “Anyang Daily”, the Jilin “Liaoyuan Daily” have both been deleted.

Lu Dong, spokesman for the “Chinese Christian Democratic Party”, who graduated from Fudan University, analyzed that the release of File No 9 is the arrangement of one gang of insiders in the CCP. It intentionally used it to launch a full-scale attack on the conscience faction which is led by Xi Jinping.

Lu Dong, spokesman of “Chinese Christian Democratic Party”, “Because he hasn’t prepared well. The release of File No.9 comes at a time of difficulty for Xi and the CCP, which knows that failure in ideological control will lead it to lose the legitimacy of the regime. We don’t think Xi Jinping controls the real power of the party, the regime itself and the military. It’s the CCP system that has kidnapped him, a conscientious leader.”

Cai Yongmei, editor of Hong Kong Open” magazine told “Radio Free Asia” that, the secret distribution of File No. 9 shows that the CCP is illegitimate and cowardly.

Cai Yongmei said what on earth is the ideology of mainland China? Which kinds of “outstanding problems” does it meet? The authority doesn’t say. In addition, the universal values, press freedom, civil society and other ideological terms were used by Wen Jiabao before, but now they are forbidden from mention in China. Cai Yongmei thinks it’s a sneaky action. She thinks the CCP’s current policy is very precarious.

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via 【禁闻】国信办指令 强删〝九号文件〞

