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2013年05月18日讯】中国 是一个干旱缺水极为严重的国家,也是全球13个人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一,而近年来当局一连串政策上的失误,以及为了发展经济不计后果的大规模开发,又使得缺水现象迅速加剧。对此,媒体发表文章 指出,中国水资源短缺问题 对经济成长可能会造成影响,如果不尽早解决,〝中国梦〞将难以实现。



绿色和平气候与能源项目主任孙庆伟:〝一个好的经济发展 的模式,应该不只是保证短期内可以看到GDP的增长,应该说长期内,包括我们的下一代以及更远,还有可持续发展的动力。这种只顾短期利益,使水资源遭到破坏,然后破坏环境这个事情,这种增长,我觉得是不可取的。那么这个经济发展不能是真正的发展。〞



戴晴 :〝因为我们做过北京水短缺的调查,有两条大河,是境外流入北京的,一条是西边的永定河,一条是东边的潮白河,这两条大河都是因为上游修水坝,然后把水拦截住了,比如说永定河的上游,就是修了200个以上的水坝,水都拦住,所以永定河没水了,完全干了,潮白河也没水了,也干了。境内河就是污染,不能用,这也是水短缺的一个方面。〞

孙庆伟:〝 我们现在就看到了,他们大量的这种截断河流,修水库还有大量的抽取地下水,这些都造成了局部地区水资源的破坏。〞

据统计,2012年至今,包括滙丰银行、毕马威、绿色和平、中国科学 院地科所等在内的各大机构,发布了不下10份有关中国缺水的报告。专家们警告:〝20年后中国将找不到可饮用的水资源。〞




采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

Experts: In 20 Years Time No Water Will Be Left In China

China is a country with extremely serious drought problem.

It is also one of the 13 poorest countries for

water resources per head.

The mistakes in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

recent strategies and its reckless economic development,

have further exacerbated the water shortage problem.

An article published by British media on this issue wrote that,

water poverty may negatively impact China’s economic growth;

The “China Dream” will become difficult to achieve

if this problem is not solved as quickly as possible.

UK newspaper The Financial Times published

an article which said

in the rapid economic development China seems to be ignoring

the fact it is a huge nation with poor water resources.

It has only one-fourth of the global average amount

of water per person.

The continued decimation of natural resources and polluted

environment has quickly exacerbated the water shortage issue.

Now China’s economic growth is threatened by this issue.

The Financial Times article quoted a report of the World Bank.

This estimated the economic loss due to water poverty

has reached 2.3% of China’s GDP.

Sun Qingwei, head of Climate and Energy Project, Greenpeace:

”A good mode of economic development should

produce short-term GDP growth, and also protect sustainable

development for future generations in the long run.

In my opinion, the (CCP’s) mode of destroying water resources

and environment only for short-term interests is reckless.

Such economic development cannot be viewed as real.”

Dai Qing, observer of China’s political and social affairs:

”The CCP’s GDP is meaningless.

They are simply playing the number game, trying to prove

economic growth and better civil lives with a higher GDP.

However, they don’t care about the environmental cost of

such development, or depriving Chinese people of civil rights “

According to expert analysis, excluding the changes of natural

environment, the main reason for China’s water shortage is

still the massive emission of industrial and agricultural

water and water pollution.

The policy mistakes made by the CCP one after another

have made the situation even worse.

These mistakes include reclaiming lakes into fields, the

Three Gorges Dam project, south-to-north water diversion,

river diversions and other projects that were highly

controversial and opposed by experts.

Dai Qing: ”We have investigated the water

shortage problem of Beijing.

There are two big rivers flowing into Beijing

from the countryside.

One is the Yongding River from the west, and the

other one is the Chaobai River from the east.

A number of dams have been constructed on both

rivers upstream, which block the majority of water flow.

For example, over 200 dams are built on

the upstream of Yongding River.

Therefore the river is completely dry in Beijing.

The situation is the same for Chaobai River.

On the other hand, the rivers originating in Beijing

cannot be used due to pollution.

This is one aspect of the water poverty problem.”

Sun Qingwei: ”Now we see that the blockage of rivers with

dams and massively extracting groundwater has led to the

destruction of water resources in local regions.”

Statistics show that, since 2012 no less than 10 reports

have been released on China’s water poverty problem,

by HSBC Bank, KMPG, Greenpeace, Chinese Academy of

Sciences and other famous agencies.

Experts warn that, “No available water resource

will be left in China after 20 years.”

As so many research reports on water poverty were released,

the CCP officials seem to realize how serious the problem is.

Some remedial measures have been presented,

but have yet to be implemented.

Sun Qingwei: ”Currently there have been some efforts

aiming at improvement of water resource management.

However, we are still far away from solving the problem, as

we haven’t seen any real implementation of those measures;

Especially in adjusting the mode of economic development.

If the style of over-consumption of natural resources and

destroying environment for economic growth does not

change, we cannot have any optimism about the situation.

Till now there has been no real action to make such a change.”

The Financial Times article further commented on the water

shortage problem has shown impact on China’s social, political, and economic affairs;

Without solving this issue, the CCP would never

achieve the “China Dream” they depicted.

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