
【禁闻】央视爆中行洗黑钱 对掐为哪般

日前《中央电视台》,播出了21分钟的报导,披露中国 银行造假洗钱黑幕。那么,一直拒绝加入国际反洗钱组织的,为何突然如此高调的揭露自己银行洗钱?请看分析报导。




报导称,越来越多的客户藉着移民的名义,通过这条灰色通道,偷偷向海外 转移资产,而利用这一手法的官员更是太多太多。




然而这个〝优汇通〞是一项〝见不得光〞的业务。在中国银行的官方网站 上,并没有关于〝优汇通〞无限换汇业务的介绍。北京支行的员工表示,这项业务是和移民中介合作,不做任何对外宣传,除非客户主动来问,他们才说。






而央视在报导中,引用平安证券首席经济学家钟伟的话,称〝优汇通〞洗钱过程〝已经是违反现有外汇法规制度的根本问题 〞,《财新网》说,钟伟已经发了声明,称央视的报导断章取义,对此深感不安。


采访编辑/刘惠 后制/肖颜

China State Media Expose Chinese Bank Money Laundering

Recently China Central TV (CCTV) aired a 21-minute report

on Chinese banks that are involved in money laundering.

With the Communist regime refusing to join any international

anti-money laundering organization all this time, why is it

suddenly exposing such behavior of its banks?

Here’s our report.

Yesterday CCTV carried a detailed report of the capital flight

involving banks and immigration agencies involved in

manipulating fraud immigration documents

and bypassing foreign exchange regulations.

Unnamed Chinese bank staff: “However dirty the money is,

the banks are capable of getting it out of China for you.”

The report disclosed that immigration agencies create

fraudulent revenue contracts for the customers,

while the banks launder the money.

For example, the customer first deposits funds in the bank,

and the bank gives them a loan pledged by certificates

of deposit to explain the source of the immigrant’s capital.

It is reported that a growing number of people, especially

officials, transfer assets overseas through this gray channel

of immigration.

The report also says that these banks are playing the role

of the immigration agency for their dedicated customers.

This investment immigration service has become

very thorough and honed, from the type of investment

to the exchange of foreign currency and remittance.

Wang Sixiang, prominent Chinese blogger: “This is certainly not

an autonomous behavior of the media, that much is certain.

Someone behind the scenes has pushed [for this report],

possibly related to some internal struggle, with a certain target.

It is being used as a means, and may not necessarily

have anything to do with opposing money laundering.”

In China, foreign currency exchanges are controlled,

and are limited to $50,000 per person annually.

But the CCTV report says the banks bypass this regulation

through a so-called ‘excellent remittance’ service,

which allows transferring of Chinese currency overseas first.

The overseas branch of the Chinese banks will then exchange

the Chinese currency into foreign, to help unlimited foreign

currency exchange for the customers.

However, this ‘excellent remittance’ is a shady business.

It is not available on the official websites of the banks.

Instead, it is discussed only when brought up by customers.

It is an internal service in collaboration

with the immigration agencies.

The Guangzhou Yuexiu Branch is reported

to have conducted the excellent remittance for over a year

and transferred $967 million overseas,

a value that only ranked the fifth among all branches.

Financial market expert Liu Weiming from China CITIC

Bank International was quoted in the report as saying that

the excellent remittance service has caused huge outflow

of capital which is surely to affect the financial system.

Frank Xie, University of South Carolina Aiken

School of Business professor: “The Communist regime

can no longer sustain such capital flight.

In the past few years, the regime’s financial stability has been

hit by the capital outflow caused by wealthy Chinese and

the Chinese officials leaving China with public funds.

The CCTV’s report could lead to the restriction of the outflow

of foreign currencies.

To those who wish to immigrate overseas,

the door has started to close.”

The Chinese banks made a statement in their defense against

CCTV’s allegations via their official websites and social media.

However, these posts were quickly deleted.

Subsequently, Caixin, a website allegedly supported

by Chinese president Xi Jinping, refuted CCTV’s report.

According to CCTV’s report, the state foreign exchange

agency and the anti-money laundering office are stationed

in the Chinese banks, which stopped the remittance business

for a while. However, Caixin said that is not true.

CCTV quoted Ping An Securities chief economist Zhong Wei

as saying that this type of remittance practice

is one that violates the current foreign currency regulations.

Caixin says Zhong Wei has made a statement that he is

deeply disturbed by CCTV’s report out of context.

Writer Sen Ge says that under the imperial regime

of the Chinese Communist Party,

every major move targets someone.

Assuming this is just a precursor, who will be the next?

It is really puzzling.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production

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